
We arrived in Budapest after a very rainy bus ride on Sunday afternoon.  Luckily, once we made it to the city the rain had stopped and we were able to get and about for a few hours.  One interesting fact about Budapest I learned from my research is that it is actually made up of two cities, Buda and Pest which are divided by the Danube River.  We stayed in an Airbnb on the Pest side of the city, but easily made our way to Buda as they are joined by a number of bridges.  

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Alex and I started our Eastern Europe trip in the Czech Republic by spending three days in Prague.  After visiting, I would have to say Prague is one of my favorite cities I've been so far!  It is such a beautiful city with amazing architecture and pretty red roofs.  As the city itself is relatively small, we were able to walk everywhere and really get a feel for the area.  

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Belham & Wimbledon

Over the weekend Alex and I spent a day exploring two neighborhoods in South London.  We started our morning in Belham, a pretty residential area with cute restaurants, boutiques and commercial stores, where we got breakfast at Milk.  We read online it gets busy early, so we arrived about 15 minutes after it opened and by the time we got our breakfast it was packed and there was already a line out the door!  Needless to say, there was a reason it filled so quickly.  The food was delicious! 

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Stonehenge & Salisbury

Alex and I were talking last week about how we can't believe we have already been in London for a MONTH!!  We decided since we only have a few weeks left we should think about any other day trips we want to take while here.   We are going to Eastern Europe next week for 9 days, so when we get back, we'll only have two weeks left in London before heading to Portugal.  

Alex brought up Stonehenge which initially was not on my list as a top choice to visit.  As my mom pointed out, I'd already seen Carhenge near the Sandhills in Nebraska!  Ha!!  Alex was convinced this was a place we should see, so I gave in and we rented a car and drove there this past Tuesday.  

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Parsons Green & Fulham

When we first decided to move to London, we were unsure where we wanted to live.  Alex reached out to a friend of his who is from London for some guidance.  Two of the neighborhoods he suggested were Parsons Green and Fulham (located next to each other in Southwest London).  We ultimately decided to live in Notting Hill, but ventured out this past Friday to visit this area and both really enjoyed it!  It definitely had a neighborhood feel with lots of shops and cute restaurants.  

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If you haven't already noticed, Alex and I are trying to visit different neighborhoods in London while we are here.  We've found it a great way to explore the city and to see how each place has its own feel and charm.  

Last week, we made our way towards Chelsea in west London.  It is boarded by the Thames River to the south.  Chelsea is up there as one of the most affluent neighborhoods in London with lots of shopping and beautiful Victorian homes.  

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This past weekend we had the most beautiful weather in London (high 70's and sunny).  It is now back to being a bit more cold and cloudy, but it was great while it lasted!  On the last day it was predicted to be warm we headed 40 minutes north to Hampstead.  After exiting the tube both Alex and I commented how this area looked and felt like a little village and further from the city than it actually is.  Hampstead has one of the largest and wildest green spaces in London and we spent the afternoon wandering around the streets and exploring all the small details. 

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Victoria & Albert Museum + Eclairs

On Thursday, we headed over to the Victoria and Albert Museum, the world's largest museum of decorative arts and design.  One of the things I have loved about London is many of the museums are free to enter.  This museum is HUGE and you could easily spend hours here.  We walked through several exhibitions including: fashion, jewelry, stained glass and furniture.  I didn't take any pictures inside the museum, but we did enjoy walking around.  

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The Cotswolds


We found out last weekend our shower was leaking into the apartment downstairs (luckily, no one is living there currently) and a plumber was going to have to do some repair work which meant we would end up without a working bathroom for two days.  We decided since we had to vacate the apartment anyway, we would head to south central England to visit the Cotswolds.  

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City of London

Yesterday, Alex I spent the morning touring the City of London, a neighborhood incorporating the historic center and central business district of London.  We started our morning at Postman's Park, the site of a former churchyard and now houses a memorial with the names of ordinary people who gave their lives saving others.  

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