The Dairy

Alex read about a restaurant he wanted to try, The Dairy, as it was featured on a list of best British restaurants.  So yesterday we headed out to the neighborhood of Clapham in south-west London.  

Before lunch, we walked around the neighborhood where the likes of JK Rowling and Piers Morgan have once called home.  It was one of the warmest days we've had in London, but in typical London fashion, the sun refused to come out!  

Waiting for the tube from Notting Hill Gate station

Waiting for the tube from Notting Hill Gate station

Clapham Clock Tower

Clapham Clock Tower

Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity Church

Lunch at The Dairy was delicious!  They have a four-course lunch special we took advantage of and it did not disappoint!  The only problem I had was being stuffed at 2:00 in the afternoon!  

The beautiful sourdough bread 

The beautiful sourdough bread 

My delicious salted caramel dessert

My delicious salted caramel dessert

My parents arrive tomorrow and we are looking forward to having them here for a visit!  Can't wait to show them around.