
One thing on my list to do while in London was to have Afternoon Tea.  When my mom visited a month ago, she and I went to an Alice in Wonderland-themed tea at the Sanderson Hotel.  I knew after enjoying it so much I wanted Alex to also share in the experience of a British Tea.    

One place which came up consistently in my online search for Afternoon Tea in London was Sketch.  Each room is themed and the Afternoon Tea takes place in a beautiful pink and copper room called The Gallery.  The black and white artwork on the wall is done by British artist David Shrigley.  


I think Alex was surprised at how filling the food actually is!  The tea started with an egg and caviar dish brought to you by "The Caviar Man" who wears a pink suit and wide brimmed hat.  It was so funny - his entire job is to serve this dish!  We were then brought our three-tired plate of sweet and savory bites along with two scones.  We were also given our choice of a Cherry-Pistachio Cake or a Victoria Sponge Cake and we decided to order one of each so we could try both.  There was also an endless amount of tea and they encouraged us to try different types.  Alex and I each tried three teas!  

"The Caviar Man"!!! 

"The Caviar Man"!!! 


Also, the bathrooms here are completely crazy and out of this world!  They honestly look like something from the future.  When arriving to the restroom, you go up a grand staircase (men on the left and women on the right).  The actual toilets are these little pods and then there are several hand washing stations outside of the pods.  So weird!  Alex took a couple of photos with his iPhone, but it felt a bit strange using your camera in a restroom even though it seemed everyone was!


Sketch was quirky and really enjoyable.  It was certainly a bit different than the traditional Afternoon Tea and we both would definitely go again!