Mad Hatter's Tea

My mom turns 60 today (!!!) and before she left London, we went to the Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter's Tea at the Sanderson Hotel to celebrate her birthday.

Upon arrival, our waitress handed us the menu which was pasted inside an old book.  We were also given sample jars with tea leaves to smell and descriptions of the tea so we could choose which one we wanted.  

Mom chose the Queen of Hearts and I had the White Rabbit

Mom chose the Queen of Hearts and I had the White Rabbit

After we ordered our tea, we were brought our sweet and savory bites.  Everything was delicious, but the highlights for both of us were the sweets!  Each cake and cookie was decorated to match the Alice in Wonderland theme and the colors were bright and fun!

There was even a "Drink Me" potion, which thankfully didn't shrink us down in size!

There was even a "Drink Me" potion, which thankfully didn't shrink us down in size!


It was a fun and whimsical afternoon and I'm glad we got to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday together in London!  Cheers to you Mom!