Belham & Wimbledon

Over the weekend Alex and I spent a day exploring two neighborhoods in South London.  We started our morning in Belham, a pretty residential area with cute restaurants, boutiques and commercial stores, where we got breakfast at Milk.  We read online it gets busy early, so we arrived about 15 minutes after it opened and by the time we got our breakfast it was packed and there was already a line out the door!  Needless to say, there was a reason it filled so quickly.  The food was delicious! 

This table was filled about 5 minutes after I took the photo! 

This table was filled about 5 minutes after I took the photo! 


After breakfast we walked around the neighborhood for awhile admiring the residential streets and shops.  


After walking around the Belham, we took a bus to Wimbledon.  Alex and I used to attend the US Open each year when we lived in New York, so it was a unique experience to be able to see Wimbledon.  We walked through a museum about the history of tennis and the reason Wimbledon came into existence.  We were also able to go inside Center Court and actually see the court where they hold the matches each summer.  Alex and I both thought it looked smaller than it appears on TV, but learned the stadium can fit 15,000 people!  I know Alex really enjoyed being able to see the court and who knows, maybe someday we can see a match there!

Wimbledon Village

Wimbledon Village