Coconut Macaroons

With warmer weather officially here in New York, I thought it would be fun to make some Coconut Macaroons. I made these the first time while staying with family back in March when my sister-in-law, Kim, discovered a bag of shredded coconut which was going to expire and wondered out loud what could be made with it. I immediately thought of Coconut Macaroons and came across this recipe. They were incredibly easy to make and ended up tasting delicious. The cookies are both soft and crunchy at the same time while the chocolate adds another depth of flavor which makes them perfect to enjoy on a warm summer day.

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Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats

Rice Crispy Treats have always reminded me of my childhood. There was always someone’s mom who brought them to a class party or holiday event. Even today my high school friend, Tara, continues to make them whenever we get together (she knows I can’t resist!). I found this recipe which takes the original instructions and tweaks them just a bit to make a more nutty and flavorful rice crispy treat. Something as simple as toasting the butter and adding additional salt really makes this dessert POP! Plus, they are SO EASY. I put these together in less than 10 minutes and could not be more happy with the results. Enjoy!

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Peach Pie

One of my favorite fruits are peaches and I truly believe there’s nothing better than eating a sweet peach on a hot summer day! As much as I love to bake, I have never tried to make a pie. Homemade pie crust has always scared me, and I prefer to bake things like cookies, cakes and brownies. However, with peaches in full swing at the farmer’s market a couple weeks ago, I decided to take a shot at my first homemade pie crust and bake a peach pie. I used this recipe for the crust and this recipe for the pie filling.

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