Cherry Crunch

A few years ago, I was visiting my grandparents and my grandmother made a Cherry Crunch for dessert with cherries from her own cherry tree.  It was so delicious I asked for the recipe right away.  I've been making it every summer since with cherries I purchase at the farmer's market.  You could also use peaches or apples as well. 

Scroll down to see the full recipe below. 

My grandmother suggested purchasing a cherry pitter and I'm so glad I did.  It saved a bunch of time and made getting the pits out of the cherries so much easier and quicker.  

The cherries I used were still a little tart, so I sprinkled some sugar over top and let it marinate for about an hour before adding the crunch topping and baking in the oven.

To complete the Cherry Crunch, I like to add a little vanilla ice cream!  Enjoy!