Kiawah Island

Back in the fall, after realizing this pandemic was not going anywhere and instead was worsening, Alex and I decided to rent a house for a few weeks in January to get respite from a dark and cold winter. We wanted a location in which we could drive, had warmer weather, and outdoor space. After considering several options, we chose Kiawah Island, South Carolina. Kiawah is 40-minutes south of Charleston and an area we have visited in the past and are familiar with.

We found a rental house that has plenty of deck space, a grill, and lots of windows. So far, it has been a perfect getaway from the city. One of the factors that played a huge part in choosing Kiawah is it is right on the ocean. There are also over 30-miles of boardwalk and biking paths to really take advantage of the warmer climate. We rented bikes the second day we got here and they were delivered straight to our front door! It was super convenient and we’ve biked everyday since they arrived.

The main beach is Beachwalker Park and only a mile and a half from where we are staying. It is a long beach with calm waters and plenty of space to spread out. One fun fact is the sand on the beach is hard, so you are able to ride your bike directly on the beach which has been super fun (and massively difficult when going against the wind (which we learned the hard way!!)).

Horseshoe Crab - These creatures have been around for more than 300 million years, making them even older than dinosaurs!!

Horseshoe Crab - These creatures have been around for more than 300 million years, making them even older than dinosaurs!!


We’ve also taken to exploring other parts on the island and visited Eagle Point Landing earlier in the week. It took 40 minutes to bike there and was such a beautiful view! We even spotted a pelican perched on a post, but it flew away before I was able to get close enough for a picture.


We are looking forward to continuing to explore this beautiful area and hoping to make good use of our bikes. I’ve planned a couple of day trips while we are here including: Sullivan’s Island and Savannah! It’s amazing how a change of scenery and some fresh air can do wonders!! Stay tuned!