
For our last road trip while we are in the UK we rented a car and headed to Rye, a 2 1/2 hour drive South East of London.  We started our morning at Pett Level Beach.  Online, I read during low tide you are able to see stumps of ancient trees which are part of a fossilized forest dating back to the most recent ice age.  Luckily we came at the right time and were able to spot a few of these stumps.  

Fossilized Stump

Fossilized Stump


We then drove to the town of Rye where we grabbed lunch at Hoof and explored the quaint streets including Ypres Tower and St. Mary's Church.  

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church

Ypres Tower

Ypres Tower


After touring around the town, we drove to Chapel Down Vineyard where we sampled some wine and were able to explore the grounds.  It started misting while we were there, so made for a very eerie walk through the farm!


Lastly, we ended our day at Camber Sands Beach.  This beach had large sand dunes and even doubled as the Sahara Desert in the 1960's movie Carry On Follow That Camel!  It was interesting to see the differences between the first beach Pett Level Beach and Camber Sands Beach.  Even though they are just 10 miles apart, they look completely different.  Pett Level is a beach of small pebbles and rocks whereas Camber Sands Beach was a more traditional sandy beach.  


It was a great day and made us more and more excited to go to Portugal where we will be near more nature and beaches.  Can't believe we'll be packing up and taking off in just a couple of days!