Cheers London!

We have officially checked out of our London flat and are currently staying at an airport hotel awaiting our early-morning flight to Portugal tomorrow.  It feels so bittersweet typing this knowing our time in London is officially over.  It seems like we arrived forever ago, but these last two months have flown by (if that makes any sense at all!).  Thankfully, we were able to get everything to fit back in our suitcases. Although, even after being extremely mindful of not buying anything without first getting rid of something, we wound up with more stuff!!  Fingers crossed it does not exceed the weight limit!

Our London flat will be our longest "home-base" over the course of this next year and I'm sad to say goodbye!  I realized I never posted any pictures of our apartment so here are a few we got off the leasing website. 


Below are a few British to America language differences I have mastered and even incorporated in my own vocabulary over the last few weeks:

Pudding = Dessert                                                                                                                               When I first saw this, I thought all the desserts were flavors of "pudding"!  To be honest, I was disappointed they weren't.   ; )

Coriander = Cilantro (another confusing one as coriander is a spice in the States)

Toilets or Water Closets = Restrooms

Bill = Check

Plaster = Bandaid                                                                                                                                     We got our flu shots (known as "flu jabs" here) and neither of us knew what the pharmacist was talking about when he asked if we wanted a "plaster"

Anti Clockwise = Counter Clockwise

Candy Floss = Cotten Candy (I may have to continue to utilize this one in the future!)

Tube = Subway


Overall, I have truly enjoyed our time in London and believe it was a great place to start this new adventure.  I'm not sure when we'll be back, but this place will hold a special place in my heart!  
