
On Sunday we woke up to a perfect fall day, sunny and low 70's.  We wound up taking the bus to Highgate in North London where we started the morning by visiting Waterlow Park, a 20-acre green space.  It was the perfect place to sit in the sun and watch the people go by.  We spent a bit of time walking around the park and enjoying the weather.  


After leaving the park, we walked along some of the residential streets and happened to pass a bridge where you could see Central London in the distance.  


We also walked over to Holly Village, a gated residential community surrounded by holly bushes.  The houses inside remind me something out of a storybook!   Worth noting, I had to get a bit "creepster" trying to snag a few pictures from breaks in the bushes!  Ha!


We ended our afternoon in Highgate by grabbing a couple treats from Highgate Pantry, an adorable pastry and sweet shop along the main road.  I have really been enjoying exploring the different neighborhoods around London and finding what makes each unique.
