Azores - Day 4

Thursday was our last full day in the Azores and we lucked out with another mostly sunny morning.  We first drove to the Shrine of Senhora da Paz.  The shrine sits on a hill above the Vila Franca do Campo village and dates back to the 18th century.  It makes for a stricking view as there is a set of  steep stairs built into the hill.  It is quite a sight to see as there is nothing else nearby this high up!

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Azores - Day 3

Day number three in the Azores started with driving to Lagoa do Fogo (Lake of Fire).  There is a 6.5 mile hike to the lake which is part of a natural reserve.  The hike started out mostly uphill for the first mile or so, but after that, it was a pretty easy walk.  We also walked next to an aqueduct for a portion of the hike which was interesting. The hike loops around a portion of the lake from the top of the crater.  The weather changes here by the minute, but this morning, we lucked out with mostly sunny skies making the lake look almost turquoise in some parts.  

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Azores - Day 2

Our second day in the Azores was spent in the eastern part of the island.  We started by driving to Nordeste, the wildest and most remote area in São Miguel.  It reminded me of Jurassic Park!  It was so lush and green - I kept waiting for a velociraptor to come out of the foliage!  We stopped at two viewpoints, Miradouro da Ponta do Sossego and Miradouro da Ponta da Madrugada.  The views were so beautiful and the people here keep everything so manicured.  There was always a gardener trimming bushes, raking leaves, or sweeping up debris along the roads and at the viewpoints.  

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Azores - Day 1

We flew to São Miguel, the largest of the Portuguese Azores archipelago, on Sunday.  From the airplane we noticed the island's terrain is so much different then what we have seen already in Portugal.  It is very mountainous and green! Just driving around the island holds so many beautiful sights!  Hydrangeas line the roadside and although they are not in season, every now and then, we are rewarded with a pop of blue from the flowers.  

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