Azores - Day 3

Day number three in the Azores started with driving to Lagoa do Fogo (Lake of Fire).  There is a 6.5 mile hike to the lake which is part of a natural reserve.  The hike started out mostly uphill for the first mile or so, but after that, it was a pretty easy walk.  We also walked next to an aqueduct for a portion of the hike which was interesting. The hike loops around a portion of the lake from the top of the crater.  The weather changes here by the minute, but this morning, we lucked out with mostly sunny skies making the lake look almost turquoise in some parts.  

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Once we we completed the hike, we stopped for lunch at Bar Caloura where we shared the fish of the day.  The restaurant is right on the water which made for some pretty views.  


Before heading back to the hotel, we drove to the viewpoint, Pico da Barrosa, to see Lagoa do Fogo from a birds eye view.  The clouds had started rolling in by this point, but the lake still looked beautiful from this angle.  We could also make out the trail we walked earlier in the day.  From this vantage point, you can also see the south and north coasts at the same time!  
