Newfoundland - Fogo Islands

Our final stop in Newfoundland before driving back to St. John’s was to the Fogo Islands. About four or five years ago, Alex came across an article in Bloomberg Magazine talking about the recent opening of the Fogo Island Inn. Architecturally, the inn is such am amazing structure which perches on stilts and hugs the North Atlantic Coastline. What makes this hotel extra special is that it is part of a charity which gives back to the island and many of the employees are locals as well. We had pinned this article in our “Places to Visit” file and were very excited about checking it out. After an hour ferry ride from the mainland, we arrived in the Fogo Islands.

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Newfoundland - Twillingate

It was almost a five-hour drive from Gros Morne National Park to Twillingate where we spent one night. Because we were leaving for the Fogo Islands the following morning, we made sure to pack in a lot during the time we had in Twillingate. Twillingate is a beautiful area and famous for the icebergs which float down from Greenland. Unfortunately, iceberg season runs from May to June, so we missed this, but we’ve already discussed coming back another year to view them!

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Newfoundland - Gros Morne National Park

The third stop of our trip was to Gros Morne National Park. When I was reading about places to visit in Newfoundland, I came across this quote: “Gros Morne may be the most breathtaking park you’ve never heard of”. Located on the west coast of Newfoundland, the park lies within the Long-Range Mountains and is dotted with beautiful seaside villages, beaches, lighthouses and freshwater fjords.

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Newfoundland - Trinity

It was a three-hour drive from St. John’s to our second stop, the adorable fishing village of Trinity. Before checking into our hotel, we drove north to the town of Elliston where they have an incredible puffin colony. There is a short pathway to the site and we could see them pretty close! They are such cute and funny animals and honestly, we had to google information about puffins because I was unaware they could fly. Turns out, puffins are not a type of penguin like I originally thought. Puffins can fly unlike penguins who swim. It was fun watching them and the viewing area was so beautiful.

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Newfoundland - St. John's

Hello from Canada! Alex and I are currently exploring Newfoundland and although we’ve only been here for a few days, this area really does pack a punch in terms of beauty! To get to Newfoundland, we took an early-morning flight (6:20am), had a brief layover in Toronto, and then landed in St. John’s, Newfoundland around 2:00pm.

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