Macquarie University

On Sunday, Alex and I took the train to Macquarie University, the college where I studied abroad in 2004.  It was so weird being back on campus as the school is currently undergoing some major construction and there were a lot of new buildings.  School had started the previous week, but the campus was SO QUIET while we were there - we only saw a handful of students.  It was nice walking around the campus (despite almost stepping on a spider the size of a tennis ball - ewww!) and seeing how much has changed.  


We also walked to the apartment where I lived in Sydney, not far from the University.  I actually found the area pretty easily as the grocery store we frequented was across the street (Hi Woolies!) and by a couple other land markers including a covered pool we never once used!  I did end up having to text Leah, my good friend and roommate who studied abroad with me, to confirm I had the right place!  I do not remember the building being blue or so run down (I guess time will do that!), but I'm 99% sure this was the building!  


Unfortunately, the disc which held most of my Australia photos got scratched and I lost a lot of my pictures from this time.  I do have a few which survived and here are just a few of those gems - ahhh, to be 20 again!

Our bedroom the day Leah and I arrived in Sydney! 

Our bedroom the day Leah and I arrived in Sydney! 

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Leah and I at Bondi Beach!

Leah and I at Bondi Beach!

Crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge (me and my pink backpack!)

Crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge (me and my pink backpack!)