Saying Goodbye

Well, its official. Our time in San Francisco ends tomorrow as we fly to New York to start this next journey. It is a very bittersweet time for Alex and I as we are excited about this new adventure but sad to leave the Bay Area. In the last five months, we have grown to really love this city once again. We’ve tried to make the most of our time here, but we both agree it still feels too short! I will miss being close to my brother and sister-in-law. It has been really special getting to spend more time with the both of them. San Francisco doesn’t have the best reputation for its weather, but the last few months have been just beautiful (aside from some major smoke and rain a couple weeks ago!). It’s easy to romanticize the city now that we are leaving (I’ve complained about the hills since Day 1 and haven’t stopped - they truly are a beast of their own!), but even still San Francisco sure has stolen my heart!

This past Sunday we checked off a bucket list item - walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. We never got around to doing this the first time we lived here and both always wished we had. We tried two weekends ago, but the fog was too thick and we would not have been able to see much once on the bridge. On our second attempt, we lucked out with sunny skies and had such an enjoyable morning.

82-ft. long whale sculpture made out of discarded plastic

82-ft. long whale sculpture made out of discarded plastic




I came across a quote a few weeks ago by journalist Herb Caen that has stuck with me since I read it. Mr. Caen said, “One day if I do go to heaven... I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'". Although I have only lived here for a short time, I often finding myself in awe at how pretty this city is. We lived here for a year back in 2008-2009, and I had not been back to visit until we moved here again in July. This time around, I’m going to make a point to come back! Below are some of my favorite photos from the five months we’ve lived here. Adios San Francisco - I’ll see you soon!

Lyon Street Steps

Lyon Street Steps

Wine Tasting in Sonoma (Copain Winery)

Wine Tasting in Sonoma (Copain Winery)

Painted Ladies (the Full House house!)

Painted Ladies (the Full House house!)

Mission Dolores Park

Mission Dolores Park

Giants Stadium

Giants Stadium

Best. Ice Cream. Ever

Best. Ice Cream. Ever

Lombard Street

Lombard Street

Palace of Fine Arts

Palace of Fine Arts

View from Our Kitchen

View from Our Kitchen

Our apartment for the last five months (we are on the second floor)

Our apartment for the last five months (we are on the second floor)