Praia da Bordeira

We decided for our last full day in the Algarve we would head back to the west coast as the scenery is much more dramatic with jagged cliffs and pretty hiking trails.  We decided to visit Praia da Bordeira.  The weather was very interesting this morning as it was mostly cloudy.  However, half the beach had some blue skies and the other half had an almost eerie feel due to low clouds and a hazy mist of sea spray.  We were able to take a long walk on the beach and even found a small flounder fish in the shallows!!  The waves were especially strong and there were several people taking surfing lessons on the beach.    

Had to walk across this shallow pond to get to the ocean!

Had to walk across this shallow pond to get to the ocean!


There was also a hiking/scenic drive around the area which we did before heading back to Tavira.  The clouds had mostly let up by this point and the water was such a deep blue. 

Povoado Islâmico Sazonal de Pescadores (Islamic Seasonal Fishing Settlement)Remains of a 12th Century Moorish fishing settlement

Povoado Islâmico Sazonal de Pescadores (Islamic Seasonal Fishing Settlement)
Remains of a 12th Century Moorish fishing settlement


We've been in Portugal for three weeks now and even though this is the first region we've been to, it has been such a highlight!  It is just beautiful (particularly the western Algarve) and we will both miss exploring all the beaches!  We left Tavira this morning and headed 2 1/2 hours inland to our next stop, Évora, where we will be for the week.  Onwards and upwards!! : )