
After returning from Spain, the weather temperature has dropped quite a bit in Portugal and we had our first rain storm since we've been here on Wednesday night.  As it was not very good beach weather, we decided to head inland to the small town of Estói on Thursday.  

Our first stop was the Igreja Matriz de Estói.  The church dates back to the 15th century and at one point needed to be restored after a devastating earthquake in 1755.  Unfortunately it was closed and we were unable to go inside.  


We walked through the winding streets and admired the pretty buildings and homes.  There is certainly no shortage of quaint towns in this area of Portugal! 


About five minutes outside the city center are the Milreu Roman Ruins.  The ruins are part of a Roman villa which was inhabited from the 1st century AD.  There are several preserved fish mosaics and remnants of a central pool which suggests it was devoted to a water cult.  Surrounding the ruins are beautiful hills complete with orange trees.
