Pacific Northwest (Part I- Spokane & Snoqualmie)

Alex and I just got back from a week-long trip to the Pacific Northwest where we visited both Washington and Oregon.  It was my first time to this region and I enjoyed it immensely!  It was so beautiful and we lucked out on weather with just a bit of rain the first night we arrived.

We started our visit in Spokane, WA where we were able to spend some time with Alex's Grandpa Tony and his sweet girlfriend, Delores.  It had been several years since we've seen them and it was nice being able to visit and meet their friends who reside in the same senior apartment complex.  

Alex and Grandpa Tony with Delores in the background

Alex and Grandpa Tony with Delores in the background

While in Spokane, we took an early-morning walk around Riverfront Park.  It was a crisp morning and provided a great opportunity to explore the downtown area of Spokane.

We had rented a car and after visiting with Grandpa Tony, we headed to our next destination, Snoqualmie Falls.  We took a bit of a detour while driving so we could pass through Leavenworth, WA where the entire town center is modeled after a Bavarian village.  While there, we wandered through the streets and grabbed some gingerbread cookies.  It was such a cute town and looked liked something out of a fairytale!

Gingerbread Cookies from the Gingerbread Factory!

Gingerbread Cookies from the Gingerbread Factory!

Snoqualmie Falls was about an hour from Leavenworth and we made it there in the early afternoon.  Our hotel, Salish Lodge and Spa, sat on top of the falls.  It was a beautiful, rustic hotel and was the perfect setting to explore the surrounding area. 

After arriving, we took a quick one-mile hike to the bottom of the falls to wander around.  The falls and the river below were so picturesque and it always amazes me to see and hear the power of a waterfall.  We had dinner at the hotel that evening before heading to bed.

The next morning, we woke early and headed for the Rattlesnake Ledge Trail the concierge at the hotel recommended.  This is a four-mile hike taking you up to a steep ledge where you can view the surrounding area.  It was very beautiful and a great way to start the morning.

Someone had placed two gummy bears on the tip of the ledge!  Ha!

Someone had placed two gummy bears on the tip of the ledge!  Ha!

Before heading back to the hotel, we stopped at the River Bend Cafe for a late breakfast.  We then drove back to the hotel to shower and change and spent the afternoon in Woodinville where we did some wine tasting.  It was a perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon!!  We ended up purchasing a few bottles of wine and I know when we open them, I will have fond memories of our day.