The Pik-n-Pig

A few weeks ago, on our way home from Chapel Hill, we stopped by the Pik-n-Pig barbecue restaurant in Carthage, NC.  It was a bit off the beaten path and was located on a small air strip!  We sat outside to enjoy our food and even got to watch a small plane land while we were eating!  Dinner and a show!

Pulled Pork Platter & the Janie Sandwich

Pulled Pork Platter & the Janie Sandwich

Watching the plane touch down

Watching the plane touch down

They also had a Ring Toss game which Alex can never pass up!  Once he starts, he won't quit until he wins and I thought we'd be there all afternoon (the game is not easy), but he surprised us both with winning within the first three minutes!  

Look at that happy face!  Winner!

Look at that happy face!  Winner!