Charleston Tea Garden

Alex and I are back in South Carolina after renting the same house we did last year in Kiawah Island. We figured we might as well take advantage of the remote working opportunities while we can! It’s been a wonderful retreat and I was happy to get away during the freezing temperatures in New York.

We’ve been taking daily bike rides and beach walks and trying to explore some new to us restaurants in Charleston. While researching things to do in the area, I came across the Charleston Tea Garden. The tea garden was originally a potato farm until tea plants were planted in the early 1960’s. The gardens and gift shop are free to wander around, but it is worth the $14.00 to take the guided trolley tour. The guide who did my trolley tour was amazing and I learned so much about tea growing and harvesting. She also threw in some pretty epic tea jokes. So, without further adieu, please enjoy the photos from a beauTEAful day at the Charleston Tea Garden (one of the guides tea jokes!).