Kindred Milk Bread

One of my favorite restaurants to visit while living in North Carolina was Kindred. It’s located 30-minutes north of Charlotte in the small town of Davidson, NC. I enjoyed going for brunch, but dinner was an absolute favorite. Why? Because of their Milk Bread. Served only in the evenings, this bread is everything you want in a carb. It is warm, fluffy, soft and delicious! I’ve had daydreams about this bread - it is THAT good!

I remember coming across the recipe several years ago, but had since forgotten about it. Much to my delight, I came across the recipe again last week after scrolling through Food 52’s website randomly for dinner inspiration. After searching several stores for nonfat dry milk powder, I finally found it and was able to try out the recipe. It is a bit time consuming, but not terribly difficult. I didn’t tell Alex I was going to make it and got to surprise him after work one evening! For a first attempt, it turned out okay. I did end up over-baking it, so the outside was a tad hard, but the inside was thankfully still soft and delicious.

A couple of things: I would recommend watching the video on Food 52’s website. It helped me figure out what consistency the dough should be and an overall understanding of how to make the bread. Also, after reading the comments at the bottom the recipe, I ended up using less salt as I didn’t have kosher salt (kosher salt is lighter and therefore you need more than other types of salt). I also let the yeast sit in the liquid for about 10-minutes to encourage it to activate before I added the rest of the dry ingredients. I’ll probably continue to tweak the recipe as needed as I get more comfortable with it. Enjoy!

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