A Day Spent Being a Tourist

Wherever we travel, visit, or live, there are always a few touristy things on our list we need to check off.  Places are touristy for a reason and I try not to automatically discount them as "gimmicky" (although, there will always be some which are! I'm looking at you Madam Tussauds!).  A couple of weekends ago, Alex and I spent our Saturday walking around Ghirardelli Square, Fisherman's Wharf and the Ferry Building Marketplace.  It is always nice playing "tourist" for a day and it was fun re-exploring some of the most visited places in San Francisco.

It was still early when we arrived at Ghirardelli Square, so the shops and restaurants were not open at this hour which made for a quiet and peaceful stroll through the complex.  The buildings in Ghirardelli Square were built in 1895 and were the original site of the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory (before that it was a woolen mill).  I remember visiting the Ghirardelli ice-cream store when we first lived in San Francisco 10 years ago and getting a sundae the size of my head!  


I read an article on Fisherman's Wharf and learned 75% of visitors to San Francisco have this destination on their itinerary!  It is a hub for restaurants, ferry departures and souvenir shops.  It is also loud, crowded and one of my least favorite areas to spend time!  I do feel you have to visit at least once and I can now check it off my list!  Plus, the sea lions are always entertaining to watch!

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Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island

Sea lions at Pier 39

Sea lions at Pier 39

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My favorite part of our Saturday was spent at the Ferry Building Marketplace.  They have a HUGE farmer's market with tons of stalls selling everything from produce, to baked goods, to flowers, and honey.  It was great being able to look at each stall and seeing what is in season.  The farmer's market takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and I know I'll be back to visit.


It was a great day to be outside and we lucked out with very little fog, so the views of Alcatraz, Marin County, Angel Island and the San Francisco Bay were just beautiful.  I also left with a bag full of fresh produce, so it was definitely a win in my book!