Port Stephens & Port Macquarie

From Newcastle, we drove to Port Stephens, a quick and easy one-hour drive.  Our first stop was the Gan Gan Lookout.  From the lookout, you can see views of Port Stephens, Newcastle and the Myall Lakes.  It was a pretty incredible viewpoint, and both Alex and I were surprised how hilly this region is.


We spent the remainder of the afternoon walking around the town of Nelson – popping in and out of shops and taking a long walk along the harbor.  In the evening, we walked from our Airbnb up to the Nelson Bay Lighthouse.  The lighthouse itself is not much to look at, but the views of Shoal Bay and the ocean were really pretty as the sun went down.  We ended up walking along the beach back to our accommodation. 


Saturday, we hiked up Mt. Tomaree, the highest point in the area.  Mt. Tomaree was originally used as a lookout post and gun placement in WWII and you can still see remnants of a military base along the hike.  The views at the top were just breathtaking and we spent quite a bit of time watching the waves roll in along the beach.


We left Port Stephens on Sunday and made our way to Port Macquarie.  On the way, we stopped at Crowdy Bay National Park to hike the Diamond Head Loop.  This three-mile hike loops around diamond head through both forest and coastline.  

Natural Arch

Natural Arch


After the hike, we were getting pretty hungry as it was past lunchtime.  We drove to Ricardoes Tomato’s & Strawberries, a farm outside of Port Macquarie, known for their organic tomatoes and pick-your-own strawberries.  The produce is grown hydroponically in greenhouses which can control the humidity, temperature, and light.  To satisfy our hunger, we each ordered a scone with clotted cream and jam - it was delicious and hit the spot.  We then were given a bucket and two pairs of scissors and off we went to the greenhouse to pick strawberries!


Our last stop of the day was to Tacking Point Lighthouse.  Built in 1879, it is the thirteenth oldest lighthouse in Australia.  

Lighthouse Beach

Lighthouse Beach


In the evening, we walked to Flynn's Beach and watched the sunset.  This beach has gentle waves and I read online is a good place for people to learn to surf.  When we arrived, there were about a dozen people in the water taking surfing lessons.  It was fun to watch!


Alex and I are leaving Port Macquarie tomorrow morning and driving to Bryon Bay where we will be for the next three days.  We are already a week into our Eastern Australia tour and I can't believe how quickly time is going!  Slow down please!!