
We arrived in Lisbon on Wednesday and have spent the past few days touring around and seeing the sights.  It is much more spread out than Porto and there are SO. MANY. HILLS!  Lisbon is built on seven hills which is not only great for your calves (ha!), but also makes for some beautiful views.  It is also one of the oldest capital cities in Europe, second to Athens and was first ruled by the Romans, Germans, and Arabs before Portuguese crusaders finally conquered it.  

Our Airbnb is on the top right hand corner of this staircase!  Our cab driver dropped us off at the bottom of the steps and we (mostly Alex) had to carry our luggage up three flights of stairs!

Our Airbnb is on the top right hand corner of this staircase!  Our cab driver dropped us off at the bottom of the steps and we (mostly Alex) had to carry our luggage up three flights of stairs!


The first place we visited was Carmo Convent and Church which was built between 1389 and 1423.  It was badly damaged during the 1755 earthquake and is now home to the Carmo Archeological Museum.  

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The Rua Augusta Arch is located at the end of Praça do Comércio by the Tagus River.  It is a symbol of Lisbon's recovery from the 1755 earthquake.  It was such a sunny and crisp morning when we visited, so Alex and I spent some time sitting near the water on the plaza.  


The Sé de Lisboa was built in 1150 on the site of a mosque soon after Christians recaptured the city from the Moors.  It was since restored in the 1930's.  


The Castelo de São Jorge (Lisbon Castle) sits high on a hill overlooking the city of Lisbon.  It was built in the 11th-century and was the ancient seat of power in Portugal for over 400 years.  We were able to climb around the ruins and see a 360-degree view of Lisbon.


Near the castle is Monastery of São Vicente de Fora built in 1147.  


One of our favorite places we have seen while in Lisbon was the The Panteao Nacional Lisbon (Lisbon Pantheon).  The church was built in the 17th-century although there had been previous churches on the site for over 100 years.  It is also is the burial location for many important Portuguese people including former presidents and authors.  We were able to climb to the outside terrace below the dome and get another birds-eye view of the city.  

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Looking up into the dome

Looking up into the dome

Looking at the floor from choir loft above

Looking at the floor from choir loft above


One evening, we grabbed dinner at Mercado da Ribeira, an indoor market with a bunch of different food stalls.  All dishes served have to be reviewed by a panel of chefs before being accepted and served to customers!



Dear Breakfast

Dear Breakfast

Nova Pombalina

Nova Pombalina