Bruny Island

We left for Bruny Island last week after two days in Hobart.  The only option to get to Bruny Island is by ferry and we were not the only people who had this idea!  The line to ride the ferry was long and we waited in our car for about an hour before we could board.  Neither of us had ever been on a ferry where you drive up in your car, park on the ferry, and then drive off once arriving at the jetty.  It was all quite exciting!  The ferry ride itself only took about 20 minutes and we arrived in Bruny Island shortly after 1:00pm. 

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Yarra Valley

We are quickly winding down our time in Melbourne and will be leaving for Tasmania tomorrow. Melbourne is such a vibrant and fun city with beautiful beaches, amazing food, and quirky neighborhoods.  

On my list of things to do before leaving was visiting the Yarra Valley, the regions wine country.  The drive is only an hour from Melbourne so we rented a car on Wednesday and set off to explore this area.

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Australian Open

Sorry it's been so quiet over here on the blog, but I came down with a bad cold and have been cooped up inside for the last few days. We did venture out last night for the Australian Open and had a really great time.  We always enjoyed attending the US Open each September while living in New York and were able to take a tour of Wimbledon during our time in London this past fall. 

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Great Ocean Road - Day 3

Our last full day traveling on the Great Ocean Road started with driving to The Arch.  This naturally sculptured arch stands 26 feet tall and is located a short distance from Port Campbell.  We were the only people there first thing in the morning and we spent quite a bit of time listening to the waves crashing against the arch.  

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Central Business District - Part II

Alex and I headed back to the Central Business District (CBD) on Monday to continue our sightseeing in this area.  We woke up to a sudden rainstorm, but thankfully, it didn't last long and shortly after we jumped on the train and headed back into the city center.  

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Central Business District - Part I

Sunday was our first day venturing outside of our neighborhood and we started with the Central Business District (CBD).  Melbourne was founded in 1835 by settler John Batman when he decided a point on the Yarra River would be "the place for a village". 

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